No matter where we are in the world,
there are five policies that define our corporate culture.
Occupatiponal Health and Safety Policy
We are committed to ensuring employee participation in accordance with the regulations and other requirements, creating a healthy and safe working environment relevant.
Human Resources Policy
Providing a highly qualified human resource developing technology to our country and company, and ensuring the sustainability of the commitment to our vision and values.
Innovation and Technology Policy
Positioning innovation and technology as a key leverage in collaboration with all skateholders on becoming a globally competitive
“world class packaging company”.
“world class packaging company”.
Quality Policy
Meeting the standards of excellence in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements in design, manufacturing and post-delivery activities of the products through the first time quality and continual improvement.
Environmental and Climate Change Policy
To ensure pollution prevention by reducing environmental impacts of all processes in our industry areas, and to make contribution to envrionmental sustainability by considering tackling with climate change.